Sunday, October 16, 2005

Math Humor

Great link with some hilarious jokes. OK, they're only hilarious if you're into math, otherwise you won't get them.

And all us math geeks will laugh at you. And at the jokes.

But, first, the SandySmithDisclaimer:

WARNING WARNING WARNING! Some of the jokes at this link contain sexual innuendo and may get your mommie's panties in a wad if she catches you reading them.

And now, the link you've all been waiting for....


  1. Hope you don't mind that an English teacher found the word-play funny as well...

    OK - maybe I cheated by knowing enough math to recognize some of the terms.

  2. Anonymous8:27 PM

    "Some of the jokes at this link contain sexual innuendo and may get your mommie's panties in a wad if she catches you reading them."

    And some of the jokes are totally racist.

    With humor like this, is it really any wonder why Darren is divorced and no longer in the Army?

  3. 1. Apparently more than mommies get their panties in a bunch.
    2. I'm not divorced. Never have been.
    3. I haven't been in the Army in 15 years.
    4. What's your point?
    5. Get a life.

  4. Anonymous11:23 AM

    2 weeks ago he went on a rant about Family Court.

    Darren had a child out of wedlock? Good for her. :0)

  5. See what happens when you assume, Anonymous?

    Only you didn't make an ass out of me.

  6. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "Johnny has an AK-47 with a 30 round clip. If he misses 6 out of 10 shots, and shoots 18 times at each drive-by shooting, how many drive-by shootings can he attempt before having to reload?"

    I like this one, because really, missing 6 out of 10 shots has nothing to do with the problem. It's just a distraction, and perhaps a comment on the bad aim of these gangsta have.

  7. An AK-47 was designed to put a large number of bullets downrange very quickly. It was not designed to be a pinpoint weapon as much as it was to put lots of steel into some area. As such, 6 out of 10 wouldn't be bad.

    M-16's, on the other hand, while they *can* fire in fully automatic mode, *are* pinpoint weapons. Not so hard to knock down a 300m target with an M-16. I did it many times. :-)

  8. Guess I should read the problem. Said he *misses* 6 in 10. Still, my point remains.

    And getting 4/10 while moving and shooting probably fully automatic? Not bad.

  9. A *rant* about Family Court? I mentioned it in this post:
    Reasonable minds can decide if this post constitutes a rant about family court.

  10. I learned that saying as "intuitively obvious to the most casual observer." Close enough for me to say, "some things never change!"
