Friday, October 28, 2005

Goon Squad--Free Speech At Our Universities

This post from Photon Courier (see blogroll at left) is to allow those who have eyes, to see.

In other words, go read it. For those of you who need encouragement, it's only a few paragraphs long.


  1. Good that you're kidding--and that you still read my blog, even though you've said you wouldn't! It's like a magnet, Joe, pulling you in.

    Resistance is futile :-)

    Oh, and I don't recall anyone wanting to stifle his ability to speak on campus. I remember people challenging his idiotic beliefs, proving he lied on his curriculum vitae, and marveling at how he clearly plagiarized documents and art (!)--and still managed to remain employed at a publicly-funded institution!

    Had he never drawn attention to himself with his "Little Eichmanns" comment, no one would know the pathetic little man's name.

    What was your point, Joe? If you were serious, your point was weak. If you're just trying to needle me, you've got to do better than that.

  2. Anonymous10:55 PM

    You should spend more time on your teaching and less on your political views. That is what your students are saying...

  3. I looked at that site. *One* student mentioned an overbearing Republican sentiment, and that post was dated 5/12/04. What's your point?

  4. Anonymous8:48 PM

    You teach math, not civics.

    Leave your politics at the door, along with your prejudice.

  5. I teach much more than math. I teach manners and civic virtues, among other things. Do you *really* want a math automaton? You probably do--when the math teacher says *anything* that you would disagree with.

    Any idea how much proselytizing I do in class? Probably not. My students tell me I spend too much time covering math--guess I can't please everyone.

    Thank you for your comments :-)

  6. I just thought of something, brave Anonymous--what do your comments have to do with the topic at hand? Want me to be a math teacher? Fine. Please stay "on task."

  7. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Food, sex, politics, and religion.

    All of these things taste good.

    None of them look good on your sleeve.

    In a professional environment, I don't what to know what you ate for dinner last night, who you slept with, your personal politics, or your religious beliefs.

  8. Please stay "on task." Your comment does not address the topic at hand.

  9. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Hahaha, this is funny. It just so happens I am one of Mr. Miller's students. Taking all this in, I have to laugh. I find Mr. Miller a great teacher, no matter how much I disagree with him. I find that teachers with political views that influence their teaching make learning more interesting.

    I am a moderate, so there's no bias here regarding my favoring Mr. Miller's side here. Mr. Miller seems to disagree with me on Che Guervara, which I think is fine considering the fact the US and Castro supported each other up until Castro started conversing with Moscow.

    I also find that Mr. Milller's "predjudice" has no bearing on mathematics. If anything it makes it interesting. He could be on the far left or far right, it doesnt make a difference. Mr. Miller may not teach a civics class, but if he did I'd be the first one to sign up for it. As long as there are students who dont fall for everything and realize that Mr. Miller is a republican and a math teacher there is no issue.

  10. Please stay on task. Your comment does not address the topic at hand.

    See how interesting this is, anonymous?
