Sunday, October 30, 2005

FLASH! NEA Tells The Truth About CTA!

My three or four loyal readers might remember that the California Teachers Association has raised dues $60 this year, and will raise dues $60/year for the next two years--bringing my dues to well over $1000/year--specifically to fight Governor Schwarzenegger's ballot proposals, two of which affect education and one of which affects public employee unions, including teachers unions. Then they backtracked and said that this so-called "temporary" dues increase was for "debt servicing", presumably to ensure that agency fee payers have to pay it as well. It's not even a convincing lie.

On page 10 of the November 2005 issue of NEA Today, the union rag for the National Education Association, comes this little caught-with-their-pants-down gem: "CTA's 800-member governing body has voted for a special levy of $60 per member for the campaign, because ...."

I congratulate NEA on its honesty, even if it's accidental.


  1. The union shouldn't worry about education at all. I'm compelled to pay; the union should look after my pay and working conditions and quit trying to save the world with *my* money.

    But you're right, the people will decide in the election.

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    The NEA being honest for a change..I'm glad I was sitting down!

    1000+ a year...ouch!!! My cop union cost me less than 400 a year and that includes 5 lawyers on staff....

  3. Suzi, it *is* a lot more stressful, but probably just as interesting, here in California. If I thought it were boring I wouldn't blog about it!

  4. Good catch Darren! I missed that part when I was thumbing through the latest edition of the NEA litter box liner.

    RUSTY: The "Union" provides NO education for the students; it is their shanghaied members that work to provide an education for the students.

    And, sadly, NO, people will not vote the right way in the Nov. 8th election; CTA has spent over $100 million dollars of their members money to print and televise a whole series of lies about Prop. 75, because it is the one that threatens their source of money to give to worthless political hacks and support their jaunts to party with said political hacks.....$100 million dollars squeezed from their members who have no say in who is chosen to run the union. FYI, teachers cannot vote for state union or national union officers.
