Saturday, September 17, 2005

Glad I Went To British Columbia When I Did

Tipped off by Instapundit I went here, to learn:

Vancouver — A silent tectonic event, so powerful it has shifted southern Vancouver Island out to sea, but so subtle nobody has felt a thing, is slowly unfolding on the West Coast.

Scientists who are tracking the event with sensitive seismographs and earth orbiting satellites warn it could be a trigger for a massive earthquake -- some time, maybe soon.


  1. A friend of my brother in law in Sac. who is a geologist says pretty safe regarding earthquakes. However, there are levee's along the Sac. River. Is your 'new' house in a potential flood zone?

  2. There are levees along both the Sacramento and American Rivers. I'm almost 10 miles from the nearest river so I'm fine. But the school at which I teach backs up to one of the levees :-)

    I felt an earthquake here in Sacramento once. I was asleep in my waterbed, and the shock wave of an earthquake in Mammoth Lake (on the other side of the Sierra, several hours drive away)went through the water--I was startled awake because it felt like someone standing at the end of my bed had pushed down violently to make a wave. A most interesting sensation! Had it not been for the wave in the water I doubt I'd have felt anything.
