Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Give Money. Don't Think.

I suggested to our student government's advisor that instead of having a one-over-the-world hurricane relief fundraiser, perhaps we should try something more personal. We might consider "adopting" a school or a specific classroom at a school, or provide school supplies to students in one of the many temporary housing facilities (PC-speak for refugee camps). I thought this would make the experience a bit more personal for our students, might foster friendships outside of our own community, etc. Gawd, I'm sounding like a touchy-squeezy lib here, aren't I? Any trees around here I could hug? :-)

Imagine my disappointment today when this advisor told me:
The administration is discouraging the kids from doing
anything other than directly donating money, because there are so many
steps involved in the approval process.
Sad. We can't think outside the box, and unfortunately it's a very small box.

After getting this bad news, I got the following email from our district office. I'll quote it here in its entirety. In itself it's not bad, but it seems so--small.

[District] Employees,

We are all deeply saddened of the impact Hurricane Katrina has had on our fellow Americans in parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Many employees have expressed an interest in organizing a relief support fundraiser on behalf of the ... District.

The Superintendent's and Information and Communication Office will be accepting monetary donations in the form of checks and money orders now through Friday, September 16, 2005 to present to the American Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts. We cannot accept cash or goods. Checks can be sent through the district mail or delivered to the Superintendent's/Information and Communication Office. Please make all checks payable to the American Red Cross. In the memo section of your check, please write Hurricane Katrina. After all checks have been received, another e-mail will be sent out announcing the total fundraising effort on behalf of the district.

Although this tragedy is miles away, it impacts all of us. [District] employees have a history of being compassionate and generous to those in need. Let's continue that tradition. If you are able, please consider making a donation to the victims of Katrina.

If you have any questions, please contact [name deleted], Director of Information and Communications at [phone number deleted]. If [first name] is not available, please contact [another name deleted], Executive Assistant to the Superintendent at [this number deleted, too].

Re-cap of the ... District Fundraiser for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

  1. Send a check or money order to the Information and Communication Office or Superintendent's Office by Friday, September 16.
  2. All checks should be made payable to The American Red Cross.
  3. In the memo field, please write "Hurricane Katrina."
  4. Any amount is greatly appreciated. The American Red Cross will accept checks $5.00 and up.
  5. All checks will be directly sent to The American Red Cross.
  6. The grand total will be announced the week of September 19.


  1. Despite having graduated I still get e-mails from my graduate department. There was an exchange recently where an administrative assistant sent out an e-mail advertising a similar collection drive for the department with a deadline early next week. A graduate student wrote back and said something to the effect of, "The Red Cross could use the money now, not next week, so here's a web link for people who want to donate directly." The administrative assistant wrote back and appeared highly offended. Being away from the mess I admit to giggling in a somewhat evil fashion.

  2. Of course, KimJ. Doing it the grad student's way, the department can't pat itself on the back for the generosity of its members.
