Saturday, August 06, 2005

Good News!

First, I'm glad the crew of the Russian submarine is alive and well. I truly did not want to learn about a Kursk II event.

In the morning my son and I leave on our drive up to British Columbia! This trip has been so long in the making that I can hardly believe it's finally happening. And coming, as it does, just a few days after moving in to our new (45-yr-old) house, all I can say is wow. I look forward to the rest!

Please check in again on August 16th. I'll be posting again then--and hopefully will finish moving, too.

Yesterday I got my "welcome back to school" letter from my principal. School starts the 22nd, and teachers report back on Friday the 19th. We'll probably spend the first half of the day in a meeting, and have only half the day to prepare our classrooms. I guess I could go in before then, but I don't want the district to get in the habit of expecting me to do free work on my own time--especially when I have my own home move to complete.

Talk to you again in a week and a half, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Have a good trip!

    It was good seeing you with John and everybody; I hope we get to talk again soon.

    Love the site!!

