Friday, July 29, 2005

Topics For Upcoming Posts

I have a few ideas for education-related posts. Do any of my readers have education-related topics you'd like to see addressed here? Feel free to leave them in the comments section!


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    How about your views of NCLB


    Those are some posts, dating back to February, that refer to NCLB or its provisions. I wish I knew how to put a "search" feature on this website. That, and not use a Blogspot template. And get web hit counters. Those three things, and I'd feel like I was in the big time!

    Nice tangent, there, huh? Thanks for your suggestion. If you have anything specific you'd like me to address about NCLB that isn't in one of the posts above, please come back and let me know.

  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Darren -- have you discussed your ideal vision of public schools -- what is good about them, what you would eliminate? In other words, have you answered the question asked by Jenny D -- If you had all the money in the world for education, that is, what would you do differently?



  4. No I have not. I'll give that one some thought!

  5. You can get web hit counters and post them on your site even if you are at blogger. I have one. Can't remember where they came from.

    I think students should be instructed in the use of the English language--spelling, grammar, punctuation, even diagramming sentences. I loved diagramming when I was a child.

    Incidentally, if anyone could instruct grown men and women in the proper use of there and their, or its and it's, I would be in seventh heaven. Professional writers made these errors!

  6. I make the its/it's and there/their mistakes on this blog periodically. Drives me crazy when I catch it because I know the differences, but when I'm trying to type as fast as I'm thinking I sometimes make stupid mistakes like those.

    I hated diagramming sentences as a 7th grader, but I'd probably enjoy it now. Taking them apart, putting them back together....

    I try to be grammatically correct on this blog. I don't want people to think that a teacher, even a math teacher, can't spell or write well.

  7. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I had a blogger site before I switched to typepad. Its still there with a hit counter from it was pretty easy to set up.

    I think the hardest part was cutting and pasting some html code into my template.

  8. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Speaking of spelling mistakes. My website is .com not .org

  9. Good suggestions thus far--which I'll tackle when I return from Canada :-)
