Sunday, July 10, 2005

New News Director With Interesting Credentials

Local ABC affiliate Channel 10 has a new news director, Stacy Owen, who comes from San Francisco's KRON. Yesterday's major Sacramento newspaper reports:
Under Owen's leadership, KRON won many journalism honors, including a national Emmy award and a Peabody Award for education coverage and awards for coverage of breaking news, Postell said.

I'd like to find out what kind of education coverage KRON did that merited an Emmy.

Update, 7/11/05 11:41 am: Well, that was disappointing. According to KRON's own web site, here's what KRON got an Emmy for:

EDUCATION/INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM - Bay Area Backroads: Big Sur by Land and Sea; Eunice Louie, Producer; Dave Vandergriff, Editor.

Apparently one of their reporters got the Peabody. Again, from their web site:

In 2004, Noel received broadcasting’s highest honor, the George Foster Peabody Award, for her contributions to KRON’s “Students Rising Above” series. This series also earned her a National Emmy for Community Service. Cisneros is also a three-time recipient of the John Swett Award for Media Excellence from the California Teachers Association, has been honored by the Bay Area School Reform Collaborative for her efforts to highlight inequities in urban education, and recognized nationally by the Education Writers Association with a first prize for her work on the television documentary “Separate – Unequal.”

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