Sunday, July 03, 2005

NEA Representative Assembly

Each year over the July 4th holiday, the National Education Association holds its annual Supreme Soviet--I mean, Representative Assembly. The Education Intelligence Agency is keeping the world up to date on the happenings at this year's powwow in Los Angeles. Here are some of the more interesting tidbits I've found.

California and New Jersey Nearly Empty Next Year’s Ballot Initiative Fund. If your state affiliate was hoping to dip into the NEA Ballot Measure/Legislative Crises Fund in the next school year, it may already be too late. The union released its expenditure report from the fund for 2003-04, but the startling news was delivered by NEA Secretary-Treasurer Lily Eskelsen, who told delegates at the budget hearing that $6.7 million from the 2005-06 allotment is destined for the California Teachers Association and the New Jersey Education Association (leaving a little more than $2 million for everyone else). CTA, as you well know, is ramping up for a major campaign against Gov. Schwarzenegger’s education initiatives and a paycheck protection measure. NEA has already sent $2.5 million to California for that fight. NJEA is waging a campaign against a proposed state constitutional convention that the union fears will affect public education’s revenue stream.

It just frosts me that a government agency (my school district) takes my money and gives it to these clowns, a non-governmental agency.

An amendment to I-9 [one of the many resolutions the delegates will adopt] adds NEA support for “an international judicial system that would hold accountable those who violate human rights” and New I calls for recognition of the International Criminal Court. EIA wonders who plays the role of police in this international judicial system.

What does this have to do with education, or even with the union? Again, it's my money they're taking to support this crap.

But my personal favorite by far came out of the Human and Civil Rights committee (also approved by the NEA board of directors) that “NEA and its state affiliates determine whether vendors or contractors have a history of profiting from slavery and if so, whether they have established plans for addressing said profit through reparations or other appropriate strategies.”

Is it just me, or are others just plain tired of hearing about reparations for slavery? I think the war dead and destruction from the Civil War are *plenty* of reparations. There's not a soul alive today who was a slave in this country, and the hand-wringing and money-grubbing that goes on regarding this topic is shameless.

Reports of committees – NEA has 10 standing committees, and this booklet summarizes what fun these folks had during the year. There are a few worthwhile nuggets, such as the advice from the Employee Advocacy committee (adopted by the NEA board of directors) to increase efforts at the state and national levels to “mobilize members, especially those who are Republicans, on Social Security and Medicare issues,” and the Membership Services and Affiliate Relationships committee’s discussion of contacting “companies associated with ALEC” (the American Legislative Exchange Council) and “partnerships to oppose ALEC.”

Wow, this is the first time I've ever seen the NEA acknowledge it has Republican members. They cannot count on my support.

Quote of the Day. “Audit findings are confidential documents.” – NEA Vice President Dennis Van Roekel, after being asked when members would learn the results of the IRS audit of the NEA. The audit is ongoing, and Van Roekel said he expects the IRS to complete its work within the next six months.

Of course they're confidential. Have these people no shame? No dignity? No decency?


  1. Is it just me, or are others just plain tired of hearing about reparations for slavery?

    I'm sick of it too. It serves no purpose except to make everyone get all huffy about something that happened over 100 years ago, that we can do nothing to change. I don't see that it helps race relations, but rather stirs up animosity again and again.

  2. The cost of that little war we fought was more than enough in the reparations department.
