Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Math Hottie

Ok, that's about as sexist a thing as a person could say, but who among us didn't notice that, even at an early age, Danica McKellar (Winnie on The Wonder Years) would grow into a very attractive woman? Here's just one of many pictures of her I was able to find with a popular search engine. Anyway, Joanne Jacobs (see blogroll at left) points out that young Danica was a math major at UCLA--oh yeah, a math major--and has helped prove some theorem I've never even heard of! And did I mention she's attractive? Apparently, physical attractiveness is a common trait in math majors :-)

On her web site is a math tutoring page with, among other things, advice to students to show every step when they solve a problem.

1 comment:

  1. "BTW, being pretty and doing math never were mutually exclusive :)"

    A more truthful statement has never been made. Maybe I'll get around to posting a picture of myself with a big Q.E.D. under it!
