Friday, July 08, 2005

"I Just Hope It Works"

This goes along with my posts on environmentalism.

By GREG BLUESTEIN, Associated Press Writer Fri Jul 8, 1:54 PM ET

DALTON, Ga. - Here in the "Carpet Capital of the World," the vast manufacturing plants that supply almost half the nation's carpet also pump out reams of wasted scraps that eventually wind up in landfills.

Next month, the world's largest carpet maker plans to do something about the problem, opening a one-of-a-kind power plant that will be fueled by the 16,000 tons of overruns, rejects and remnants it turns out every year.


  1. I spent a little time reading your blog and I thought I'd at least leave a note that I was here.

  2. I'm glad you did. Please come back again some time!

  3. Independent, your language above implies that mine is a liberal blog! I truly *hope* that's not what you meant!

  4. Glad you came back and clarified :-)
