Saturday, June 18, 2005

Test Tube Sex In A Biology Class?

I don't think there's anything I can add to this press release, so I won't.

Pacific Justice Institute

For Immediate Release June 15, 2005
Contact: Attorney Brad Dacus (916) 857-6900

High School Biology Class Requires “Test Tube Sex”

Claremont, CA – A standard high school biology lab on pathogens and infection became shockingly offensive when the teacher chose to present the lab in terms of promiscuous sex. The teacher’s sexualized presentation unnecessarily interjected blatant sexual role-playing into an otherwise valuable laboratory experiment.
A biology lab on pathogens and infection began with the instructor's handout which stated, "the class will engage in test tube sex and the spread of the pathogen will be measure afterward." (Sic, emphasis in original). The teacher dimmed the lights and played Barry White's Let's Get It On. "Find a student (of either sex) to exchange body fluids with," the instructions explained. The written assignment included directions to exchange body fluids and then said, “Have test tube sex with two more people (easy tiger!)…” Male students began soliciting female students to "suck my tube," which was an obvious euphemism to engage in oral copulation. One young freshman girl reported this sexual harassment to her instructor and refused to participate. Regrettably, the teacher took no action. Humiliated and outraged, the girl left the classroom and went to the principal's office.
At the request of a parent, Elizabeth Jimenez, Pacific Justice Institute filed a complaint for sexual harassment on behalf of her daughter. School officials investigated the matter and found that the allegations were correct and had occurred in several classes. They then pledged that this type of presentation will not be repeated. However, PJI is continuing to represent the family regarding possible retaliatory measures taken against the student whistleblower by school employees.
“I am outraged that the district would admit to these salacious activities but still refuse to inform parents,” said Jimenez, mother of three Claremont High School girls, including the student whistleblower. “These teachers caused students immeasurable pain as they were subjected to ugly name calling and were turned down for ‘sex’ by more popular students. Others were forced to ask students of the same gender to have test tube sex, resulting in taunting and hate speech.”
“When considering the maturity level of students at this age, it should have been foreseeable that an environment would be created which would result in traumatizing students,” remarked Kevin Snider, Chief Counsel for the Pacific Justice Institute. “The use of this type of curriculum is simply irresponsible,” continued Snider.
Many parents are unaware of their rights to prior review of their child’s curriculum and to have input into what instructional materials are used. Additionally, parents can completely opt their children out of comprehensive sex education and HIV/AIDS instruction.
If you are a student who has been placed in a hostile environment as a result of your moral or religious beliefs, please contact the Pacific Justice Institute. We will provide you with legal assistance without charge.
The Pacific Justice Institute is a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties.

P.O. Box 276600 Sacramento, CA 95827-6600
Phone: (916) 857-6900 Fax (916) 857-6902 Internet:

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