Sunday, June 19, 2005

I Wonder If They'll Learn This "History"

Philadelphia will soon become the first major US city to require students to take a high school course in African and African-American history. I wonder if this is the kind of history they'll learn:

Sunday, June 19, 2005
By Scott Norvell

The Los Angeles Daily News says black activists there are demanding that a bust of Tutankhamun be removed from an exhibition of artifacts from his tomb because the statue portrays him as white.

The face of the pharaoh was reconstructed earlier this year through images collected through cat scans of his mummy. But Legrand Clegg, a historian and prosecutor from Compton speaking on behalf of the Committee for the Elimination of Media Offensive to African People, calls the reconstruction a "distortion of reality."

"They have depicted King Tut as white, but the ancient Egyptians were black people," he told the agency. He called the exhibit a conspiracy to suppress black history.


I'm curious how Mr. Clegg know this. Is there *any* archeological evidence that the ancient Egyptians were black? Certainly not in any of their art I've ever seen.

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