Friday, June 17, 2005

I Used To Teach Junior High (But Fortunately Not In Japan)

This has to be among the funniest things I've ever read about Japanese people--and wouldn't you know it, it relates to junior high students.

Kancho? Hell no!


  1. I've got a couple friends who've taught ESL in Korea, and they've complained many many times about Kancho/Dongchi. And we thought American kids were obstreperous!

  2. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Having read this, I now can honestly and enthusiastically say that I did not need to know about this.

    Yeesh.... Freaky.

  3. And Andrew--don't *even* think about it. :-)

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Nothing against alternate lifestyles, but... I'm never looking at you the same way again, Mr. Miller. >_>

  5. If you'll be looking at me with Kancho in your eyes, watch out! I have catlike reflexes, and I've been trained to kill!
