Monday, June 13, 2005

Done Until August

Cleaned out my classroom and turned in my room key today. It'll be interesting to see what's left when I return, considering that my room will be used by person or persons unknown during summer school.

Still, I'm done. On a professional level it wasn't the greatest of years, what with all our labor turmoil and all. On a personal level it was an "annis horibilis", one I'm glad is over.

Here's to new beginnings :-)


  1. Now you can spend more time contemplating (and blogging about) the CTA and its stand against Arnold's special election.

    Congratulations on another year!

  2. Congrats on making it through another year. Thanks to you, I'm keeping tabs on what's going on with Arnold and the CTA. Fascinating stuff...

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Congratulations on finishing the year. It must be even nicer knowing that there will be a job to come back to, given some of the struggles you experienced a few months ago with job instability. Here's to an excellent beginning to your summer.

  4. Fred, let's get even more people paying attention!

    And to THC and Anonymous, thank you :-)
