Monday, May 23, 2005

If You've Never Seen A *Real* Hate Site....

If you want to see a true example of a "hate site" on the internet, go to the link below. No, it's not a joke or satire.

The individual has a First Amendment right to have and express his opinions, but he strikes me as a very small person who misses a lot of points.

Update 6/2/05, 5:18 pm: As one commenter has noted, this site is no longer available. I'd like to know the story behind that....


  1. I first heard of this guy about a month ago. Yesterday, Fox News was re-running an interview that he had with Hannity and Colmes.

    Even Alan Colmes wanted nothing to do with him.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    That is the most disgusting thing I have ever read.

    "We don't need their ilk in this country!"

    Funny, that's exactly how I feel about him.

  3. I have no words. My husband, on the other hand, who was almost blown up on the USS Forrestal, has plenty of words for him however. And a boot and a couple of fists. Apparently the twit is too ignorant to understand those 'leeches' as he calls them are the reason why he can have a website like that in the first place.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I don't agree with the war in Iraq, in fact, as Mr. Miller knows, I'm not a big fan of war in general. However i DO NOT believe that websites like this serve any purpose but to inflame and annoy people. I may not support war, but i don't believe that the soldiers are to blame. They may have been mislead, and it is okay not to agree with what they are doing. But to say they deserve to die is dispicable. People do not deserve to die simply for serving in a war you do not support.

  5. Maybe it would be best to ignore it. It won't go away, but we don't need to give it any more publicity than it already gets.

  6. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I agree with thc; I wouldn't want it to be as popular (not in a good way) as it already is. The comments on the site are horrid, generalized, and show no respect to the brave soldiers who fought for his right to free speech. However, I'd like to talk to him head-to-head and tell him how wrong he is, although it's most likely he'll throw some trite insults and refuse to participate in a real discussion.

  7. Anonymous4:40 AM

    What a better hate site?

    Try the hate gun!

  8. Site is no longer available. . . .
