Tuesday, May 31, 2005

CTA Finally Admits It's Taking More Of My Money

On March 18 I first reported that the CTA was planning on raising dues $18/month in order to pay for political fights against Governor Schwarzenegger's policies, and that I'd be paying more than $1000/year in union dues as a result. Today the June 2005 issue of California Educator came in the mail, and there on page 31, finally, was an article about the increase. The article is called "Dues assessment under consideration".

Yes, they're "considering" raising the dues like I'm "considering" allowing notecards during tests. The decision's already been made.

The article is 3 columns long. It took the entire first column to lay out the case against the Governor. It wasn't until the 2nd column that we're told about the increase in dues. After spending the entire first column talking about how much the cost of the Governor's special election is going to hurt people, CTA decides to hurt me more by taking more of my money.

Brilliant move.

"For those who fear the assessment will be seen as yet another way to get money for politics, Vogel explained that the money enables CTA to protect Prop. 98 and 'that's not a partisan issue.'" So they'll take my personal money in an attempt to get more funding for schools.

Brilliant logic.


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I feel your pain. I am also a member of a "workers union" (although I'm planning a jailbreak soon, shhh!). I really dislike the way they take money out of my paycheck and use it to fund stupid little newsletters and their own political candidates.

    If I were a dragon I would eat them, or at least blow fire on their propaganda.

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Just got back in town and red the Left-wing rag. They are so bad!

  3. I just know that Boss Kerr is laughing at us. (I've used the name in a June 7th post, but you're welcome to it also.) ;)
