Wednesday, May 11, 2005

2 Nice Things Happened Today

First, today is Teacher Appreciation Day in California. I know the rest of you had it last week, we get ours this week. Our PTSA put on a lavish spread for us at lunch, provided at the most reasonable price by a manager/owner (didn't quite get the full relationship) of a nearby Max's Opera Cafe. The PTSA picked up the tab. Turns out he and his wife were there helping serve it up, and they have two children at our school--I have the daughter in a class. The generosity displayed by the parents who set this all up, and by the "caterer", and everyone else involved, was inspiring. So, 2 thumbs up to our PTSA for putting together such a fantastic lunch. I am overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness.

Second, I met at a local Noah's Bagels after work with Dan Weintraub, reporter and blogger for the major Sacramento newspaper (free registration is required). We talked for well over an hour, and, as I am wont to do, I did most of the talking. He didn't ask very many questions, so I kept on. He wasn't taking notes or anything, but was interested in hearing from someone "unofficially". My views confirmed some of his previously-held beliefs about charter schools, responsibility, standards, etc, and I mentioned some things he hadn't heard of before. He also shared some things with me that I didn't know. I enjoyed the exchange immensely.

It was a pretty good day.


  1. ????????????
    You get Max's for lunch and I get a cheesy plastic flashlight?????
    That's it, I'm calling the CTA!!!


  2. We got nothing from our school or district adminstration.

    Since we haven't had any sort of pay increase in three years, it doesn't come as a surprise.

    Our SAB did gave each teacher an apple wrapped in a plastic bag tied with a ribbon saying, "Super Teacher."

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Cool news on the interview with DW...

    On another matter, I spoke to a group of UoP (Phoenix) single subject teaching students and one of them (I can't remember his name) teaches at Rio. I told him to say hi and sorry I couldn't take yo along to Star Wars...

    Regarding the comment you left, I am intregued on the error from Jedi. Shoot me an e-mail (millers_900 at yahoo) and fill me in...

  4. Nice to see another conservative teacher. I left the corporate world to enter teaching three years ago and quickly found out that I was in the minority!

  5. Welcome to the profession, Fred! I went from being an army officer to a manufacturing manager in the Silicon Valley to teaching. We're definitely in the minority in this profession!
