Thursday, March 24, 2005

Protest Warriors

When was the last time you saw a bunch of conservatives here in America flooding the streets, throwing bricks through windows, overturning squad cars, and setting garbage cans on fire?

You haven't. That's how the crazies and lefties act. Remember, for them, the end justifies the means. By Any Means Necessary.

I draw your attention to Protest Warrior, a fantastic group of patriotic Americans. From their web site:
"ProtestWarrior HQ is a new way for fellow liberty-lovers across the planet to mobilize against the left within their own cities. As you know, those on the left usually carry the loudest microphones...but they go silent quickly when truth is thrown back in their face." The weapon of choice for the Protest Warrior is the sign, emblazoned with words of truth.

Gotta love this kid, a high school senior, who certainly showed some juevos in challenging lefty orthodoxy at his school. I know I wouldn't have remained as calm as he apparently did.


  1. The South was made up of Democrats in the Civil Rights Era. Remember, none of them was a Republican because of Abraham Lincoln.

    When people blow up abortion clinics, they're roundly criticized by both the left and right. No one tries to make excuses for them, asks to look for "root causes" of their anger, or seeks to justify their acts. They are on the fringe, and we all know it. They don't have well-known celebrities supporting or actively encouraging them.

    I don't hate California, but I disagree with many of the people who live on the coast. I've never thought that the right solution to fix what I see are problems is to run away. If I do that, the problems never get fixed.

    The antidote to speech you don't like, anonymous, is more speech. Asking me to leave so you don't have to deal with me anymore is pretty cowardly, don't you think?

    Or do you think?

  2. And another thing!

    How long ago did we deal with racial desegregation in the South?

    When was the last time we heard anything about the KKK?

    When was the last time an abortion clinic was blown up?

    How did the lefties act last week, on the anniversary of the start of the Iraq War?

    How did the lefties act in January, during the inauguration?

    The prosecution rests.

    Now, allow me to thank you for visiting and commenting on my site. It's an amazing feeling knowing that people are reading and responding to what I write. While we don't agree, and don't have to, I love the free exchange of ideas. Thank you, again, for participating.

  3. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "When people blow up abortion clinics, they're roundly criticized by both the left and right. No one tries to make excuses for them, asks to look for "root causes" of their anger, or seeks to justify their acts. They are on the fringe, and we all know it. They don't have well-known celebrities supporting or actively encouraging them."

    Is it terrorism?

    Are pro-choice advocates under the treat of terrorism?

    Should pro-choice advocates have to negotiate under the threat of terrorism?

  4. Anonymous, your comment makes no sense. Not only can I not determine what you're asking, I see no relevance to this this topic.

    This topic is about Protest Warriors and their methods. It isn't about abortion clinic bombers, who haven't been in the news in years anyway.

    Go find somewhere else to troll if you can't make sense.
