Wednesday, February 16, 2005

We're Rooting For You, Tyler

Hope everything goes well. Email me at school when you can and let us all know how you're doing. See you in a month.


  1. You'll never guess from whence I came? From clicking at random on your comment in the Jerry Brown blog. Ahh, the joys of hyperlinking.

    Anyway, though the placement is a bit awkward, I just wanted to say nice job on your blog.

    I'm going around today looking for blog ideas for my own blog, and the unusual slant your blog takes (a leaning-right teacher in Cali, wow) made me sit up and take notice.

    Best of luck,

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Hi Tyler,
    Be sure to ask the docs all kind of cool chemistry/physics questions like...How does that gizmo you put on my finger determine the oxygen concentration in my blood and WHAT EXACTLY are you giving me to put me to sleep and why......?? Give us a full report of all the details when you come back. Good Luck, Mrs. Dibble

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Hey Tyler it's your favorite liberal! (is that an idiosyncracy?)anyway I hope your getting better cuz the class is just not the same without your rantings about the french!Anyway cya soon.

    <3 Laura

  4. Don't you *even* come to school. Wait a while and heal.

    Then come visit just at lunch one day. Maybe you can bring snackies! :-)
