Sunday, June 17, 2018

Must Be All Those Racist Unionized Teachers

What else could possibly explain this?
The study, “The Majority Report: Supporting the Success of Latino Students in California,” found that in every California county, a majority of Latino students were not proficient in math or English language arts, based on Smarter Balanced test scores. By comparison, a majority of white students scored proficient in English language arts in more than 40 counties, and in math in more than 20 counties.
Maybe it's incompetent, not racist, unionized teachers. Pick your poison, CTA.


Auntie Ann said...

Or, in the words of George HW Bush, is it the "soft bigotry of low expectations?"

This piece by Sarah Hoyt (now a co-blogger at Instapundit) has always stuck with me, and it's devastating. Because one teacher (in liberal Colorado, I believe) saw her kids as "Hispanic" (Sarah is Portuguese), her kids were tracked into special ed. This wasn't 50 years ago. I believe her kids are college age now, so this was 10-12 years ago.

>> I sent them a kid who could read, write and was working on fractions. Imagine our shock when in our first first grade conference, the teacher informed us that Robert was learning disabled and would probably never learn to read and write. This was particularly surprising since one of her pieces of evidence was a worksheet that consisted of 1+0, 2+0 etc. across the top of which Robert had written in properly spelled words “this is stupid and boring. A number plus zero always equals the number.” <<

Anonymous said...

"Latino" is an tricky term - product of social engineering by leftists. If you looked at me, you'd never guess I'm "latino" because ethnically, I'm white. But according to liberals, I'm not really white because my parents and grandparents were born somewhere in Latin America... never mind that my great great grandparents immigrated to South America from Europe. What about Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Ukrainians, and Africans who immigrated to Latin America? Does the race of their offspring change because they are born on another continent? The answer I've gotten from the left is "yes". Even more confusing - leftists who are Spaniards and Portuguese are now claiming they are "not white".
Liberals are the most racist people. Whatever they accuse others of doing, they do themselves.