Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Where Our School District Money Goes

I received the following from a colleague today and was given permission to post it here:
We have run out of money at our school site. We are out of paper for the copy machines. We ran out of money for the student award ice cream social (so teachers spent their own money so kids could still have ice cream). But don’t worry! Free lunches to anyone and everyone all summer long in {our district}. Isn’t Marxist ideology great?!
What might this colleague be talking about?
Free summer lunch program expanding to four District locations

The {school district} is once again offering all children 18 years of age and under a free lunch this summer as part of its popular Summer Fun Café – and this time, the café will be found at four locations throughout the community.

There are no qualifications to receive the free lunch. Students do not have to be enrolled in the {school district}, there are no income requirements and there is no paperwork to complete.

Below are the dates and locations for this year’s program...
This, ladies and gentlemen, is how we roll in California.


Anonymous said...

Not really, that's how the Federal Child Nutrition Summer Feeding Program rolls. All over the country. Any school or neighborhood with a high enough percentage of people that would qualify for free or reduced meals can open a summer feeding site. And they are not allowed to ask for any documentation of age, eligibility or even residence. On one hand, I'm glad there's an opportunity for children whose parents or grandparents can't or won't feed them to eat all summer long, but on the other, this is a lot of money and time and effort with very little accountability.

PeggyU said...

How do they determine how much food to prepare? Are the people who enroll required to show up to eat the meals that are prepared? What if they move and forget to notify the school district? Are there meals that go uneaten and is there food that gets wasted? Since there is no paperwork signed, I can't imagine that people feel obligated to be consistent about showing up to eat.